Haim Bresheeth
Professor Haim Bresheeth, from the School of Social Sciences, Media and Cultural Studies will present the research programme Liminal Memory Zones that aims to address the liminal zones which are created in regions of conflict, by examining the concept through a combination of media presentations and analytical texts, authored by a group of artists and researchers from a number of conflict zones.
Ines Schaber
Ines Schabers’ work revolves around questions of visibility. There, it is a matter of the back side of things (being) made visible; questioned in her work is specifically the status of the things that remain hidden, or are kept invisible. Central within this field of questions, is the role of photography. In her installative arrangements, she provokes a gaze and produces a sight, which constantly insist and questions the presence of things absent. Her work interrogates in what way photography, which is an artistic medium as well as a popular medium and a medium of the mass media, defines, fixates, or stashes away things and contents.
Florian Schneider
At the end of the 20th century new masses and migrant populations have become visible by claiming a right to access europe and to participate in globalization. At the same time information and communication technologies have generated and articulated new networks of information and knowledge distribution, but also entirely changed the ways in which we imagine access to information and knowledge.
Eyal Sivan
This talk will expose the theoretical background of a on going research on the strategies of redeeming perpetrators narrative and perpetrators’ testimonies as part of a media project untitled “The common archive” using the 1948 ethnic cleansing campaign in Palestine as a case study.
Eyal Weizman
no abstract yet
Celine Condorelli
I would like to talk about issues of property and alternative modes ownerships through the notion of the Common, and a particular history of the term. In the UK the term designates common land, that might belong to somebody but over which other people can exercise traditional rights. The Common supports a certain inhabitation of the public sphere which not only based in property but on use.
Angela Melitopoulos
The “Blast of the Possible” looks on the role of property in Cyprus after the failure of the Annan Plan in 2004 that triggered a real estate boom on the island. Today a new road map for reunification is discussed. This research focuses on the reasons of the boom, the significance of private space and property in the political conflict, the role of migration in the discussion on the constitution of the Republic of Cyprus. The research contains case studies on property claims that display different political forms of belonging and property rights. Property is discussed with an emphasis on what the imaginary quality means within such a political conflict at the borders of Europe.